November 25: The catalogue is now available from our result service page.

November 10: The results are in! Congratulations to all the medalists and to overall winner Geir Jartveit (Norway)!

October 16: The submission form has now been closed


The Nordic Society of Photography cordially invites all members of camera clubs as well as direct members – associated with Riksförbundet Svensk Fotografi RSF, Norsk Selskap for Fotografi NSFF, Suomen Kameraseurojen Liitto SKsL, and Selskabet for Dansk Fotografi SFD – to participate in the 1st Nordic Photography Championship Collections/Series 2021.

The illustration image on this page is the contact sheet from the series Wild brown bear-season, Ilkka Niskanen MNFFF/g.


One digital section: Colour and/or Monochrome (mixed is also allowed).

All acceptances will count towards the NSMiF distinction, equal to the points received in Nordic international photography salons with FIAP and NFFF patronage.

Registration and upload:

Authors register their participation and upload photos digitally via the button below.

Registration fee:

The registration fee is € 20.00 / participant. The fee is paid to the specified PayPal address after uploading photos.

Salon calendar:

  • Submission starting date: September 15, 2021
  • Closing date: October 15, 2021
  • Results here on website: November 15, 2021

Conditions of entry:

  • Each photographer can participate with up to two (2) collections/series of 3–5 images each.
  • By submitting images to the competition, the photographer accepts that the images can be used by the organizer to promote this and upcoming competitions.
  • A collection/series can be rejected if the jury or the competition committee considers that the pictures do not follow the competition rules or are otherwise considered deviating.
  • The organizer takes no responsibility for copyright abuse.
  • The image files must have the jpg format, with the maximum format 1920 x 1080 px (width x height), and the size must be a maximum of 2 MB.
  • A collection is defined as a number of images with coherence or mutual context.
  • The author is free to choose a theme for their collection.
  • Both colour and monochrome photos are allowed – even mixed in the same collection.

Deviations from the rules:

Images that do not meet the competition rules can be disqualified without a refund of the fee.

Result counts towards NSMiF:

Results from the championship will count towards the NSMiF badge of honour, equal to the points received in Nordic international photography salons with FIAP and NFFF patronage. It will not count equal to the results from the Nordic Photography Championship.

Points are awarded according to the following table:

  • NFFF Gold 8 points
  • NFFF Silver 6 points
  • NFFF Bronze 5 points
  • RSF, NSFF, SKsL, SDF Gold 7 points
  • RSF, NSFF, SKsL, SDF Silver 5 points
  • RSF, NSFF, SKsL, SDF Bronze 4 points
  • Honourable Mention 3 points
  • Accepted 2 points


The winner receives the NFFF Gold Medal. In addition, the jury awards:

  • NFFF Silver and Bronze Medal
  • RSF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
  • NSFF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
  • SkSL Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
  • SDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
  • 15 x NFFF Honourable Mention

The winners also receive

  • NFFF Gold Medal: Gift card from CEWE JapanPhoto 300 €
  • NFFF Silver Medal: Gift card from CEWE JapanPhoto 200 €
  • NFFF Bronze Medal: Gift card from CEWE JapanPhoto 100 €
  • NFFF HM: Gift certificate from CEWE JapanPhoto 50 €

Any profit tax is paid by the winner.

The best author combined will be awarded the honorary title NMiFK 2021; Nordic Master of Photography – Collection.

CEWE Japan Photo

The panel of judges is from France:



Francis TACK 


A catalogue in PDF format will be presented here on the NFFF website.

The award-winning collections/series will be published in the NFFF Instagram feed @nordicsocietyofphotography.