Leif Alveen, NSMIF/d1 – Denmark
Leif (born in 1967) is a Danish photographer with a lifelong interest in taking pictures. After a lengthy break from photography, he got back into it around 15 years ago, and since 2010 he has been a regular participant in international photo competitions, resulting in more than 350 awards around the globe and exhibited pictures in more than 80 countries.
He has no set style – it is more a case of going where the image takes him. The subject decides the treatment the picture gets, from very naturalistic to heavily photoshopped. Subjects range just as wide with a tendency towards travel images and semi-long to long exposures.
He is the former president of the Society of Danish photography (SDF) and co-founder of the Scandinavian Stella Polaris photo group. Currently holding the EFIAP/platinum and MPSA2 distinctions with those organizations.