Update June 7th: There was a total of more than 1,200 images submitted. See more information here.

The Norden Association (Föreningen Norden/Pohjola-Norden), in collaboration with the Nordic Society of Photography, invites all members of the four Nordic national societies – RSF, SKSL, NSFF and SDF – to participate in the image collection “My Place in the Nordics” 2024.

Photo: Old fisherman on boat in Florø, Norway, by redcharlie on Unsplash


  • The last date for uploading is April 14, 2024.
  • The upload opens on March 16, 2024.
  • Results at www.nordic.photo by May 15, 2024.

Collection rules

  • A digital section: colour or monochrome images.
  • Each photographer can participate with up to four photos on the theme “My Place in the Nordics”.
  • Participation is free of charge.
  • By submitting images to the collection, the photographer accepts that the organizers use the images in connection with displaying and promoting this and future collections.
  • A picture can be refused if the jury or the competition committee considers that the picture does not follow the rules or is otherwise considered deviant.
  • The organizers take no responsibility for the misuse of copyright.
  • The image files must be in jpg format, with a maximum format of 1920 x 1080 px (width x height), and the size must be a maximum of 2 MB.
  • Photographers with selected images receive a diploma.

Registration and uploading

  • Participants register their participation and upload images digitally via the web address www.nordic.photo (this article – upload starts March 16, 2024).

Selection group

  • The pictures are judged by a Nordic jury selected by the NFFF and The Norden Association.

Deviations from the rules

  • Images that do not meet the competition rules may be disqualified.

A larger collection in the Nordics

My Place in the Nordics is a collection project carried out by The Norden Association. The Norden Association is a democratic, non-partisan, non-religious, and non-profit organization that has been working since 1919 to promote and strengthen cooperation and togetherness in the Nordic region and with its surrounding world. The Norden Association creates meetings and enables dialogue and collaboration between people and beyond borders.

The collection aims to make visible different perspectives, experiences and experiences of living, living and operating in the Nordic region. Collection of texts and drawings is ongoing in preschools, high schools and in between associations in the Nordic region. Participating in this collection contributes to the collection of another format – photography.

  • The images may be selected to illustrate The Norden Association’s annual publication, “Nordic Perspective”, which shines a light on a topical societal issue in the Nordics. If your image is selected for this purpose, you will receive a request to use the image and be offered a compensation fee that follows The Swedish Association of Professional Photographers’ price guide.
  • A picture will also be selected, framed, and awarded to The Norden Association’s newly instituted Cooperation Award winner in 2024. The use of this image will be monetarily compensated as described above.
  • Pictures may also be selected for a photo exhibition about living, living and working in the Nordics. The use of these images will also be monetarily compensated according to the aforementioned price guide.

We look forward to sharing your perspectives on the Nordics.

Josefin Carlring
General Secretary of The Norden Association, Sweden

Nils-Erik Jerlemar
President of the Nordic Society of Photography – NFFF